We’re focused on providing one-on-one services with the highest level of customer satisfaction!
Bath and Towel Dry
*Dog may be damp when they are ready especially if the dog is long haired
- Bath
- Brush and Fluff
- Towel Dry/ Damp Dry
- 10 mins blow dryer
- Nail Trim
- Bandana
Full Groom
- Bath
- Brush and Fluff
- Eyes Washed
- Nail trim
- Ears cleaned/plucked
- Full haircut
- Blow Dry
- Express Anal Glands (only if requested by the owner)
- Bandana
Cats-Bath, Towel Dry and Lion Cut
- Bath
- Brush
- Towel Dry
- Nails Trimmed
- Ears Cleaned
- Lion Cut
Ruff Pricing
Hydromassage Bubble Bath prices start at $45, and can vary depending on the size, breed, weight, the condition of your pet’s coat and service time. Telephone quotes are close estimates and will be confirmed after an initial examination of your pet.
Mini Groom
- Bath
- Brush and Fluff
- Eyes Washed
- Nail trim
- Ears cleaned
- Trim around face, paw, tail and sanitary
- Blow dry
- Bandana
Cats-Bath and Towel Dry
- Bath
- Brush
- Towel Dry
- Nails Trimmed
- Ears Cleaned
- De-matting up to 45 minutes maximum
- Furminator/De-shedding Treatment
- Teeth Brushed
- Nail Trim or Grinding
- Ears Cleaned
- Fleas and Tick Shampoo
- Specialty Shampoos/Conditioners
- Full Shave Down – matted pets
- Puppy Baths up to 5 months
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